Friday, October 8, 2010

Fall colors

Here are some photos I took around the place this past week.

This harvest cluster is by the front door.

Although we have had two nights when it went to freezing or slightly below, the frost hasn't killed off all the flowers. The asters and geraniums are holding strong, and the trumpet vine, though without blooms, is still flourishing as you can see in the photos of the deck.

Sundance in the sun. She thinks the limelight is always for her.

Our little crab apple is loaded with red this time of year, with white blossoms in the spring. It is pretty scrawny, but still a nice touch in the front yard. When it grows up, it will be glorious.

The Burning Bush is off on the side of the house.

Just some trees around the place, especially by one of the paths that runs from the road back into the woods. The colors, of course, are far more beautiful than the camera could capture.

This is Berry Road, looking down past Rich and Peggy's place on the left.


Sunny said...

OMG- That first pic is especially beautiful!!!
I LOVE Autumn- my favorite season of the year!!

Kristin said...

This makes me miss the New England we've got the decor out and its 90 degrees. :-(

Cynthia Dodd said...

Love the color photos. Beautiful area!