Saturday, October 30, 2010


Tom is off politicking and I am home with the cats, answering all the telephone calls we are getting from various and sundry political campaigns. It is so nice to be able to hang up on robo-calls, even from people I intend to vote for on Tuesday. (I always vote! It gives me the right to complain afterwards, which I even do about people I voted for sometimes.)

I am too polite to hang up on real people calling. And I don't have Rusty's knack for engaging in wildly improbable conversations and leaving them befuddled.

Maybe next time someone calls to try to get me to support a candidate who publicly calls for discrimination against folks like us, though, I might be tempted to use Rusty's tactic and keep them on the phone for a long time just to keep them from calling other people. I can't think of the funny things he does, but I suppose I could ask all sorts of questions about the stands the candidate takes on every issue that comes to mind. One of the guys running for senate actually refuses to say what he plans to do if he wins. Plenty of time for that, he assures us, after he is elected. So far only his machines have called -- probably because people can't ask a machine questions.

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