- English Proverb
Mama told me once that it was a good thing we had cats. I think she meant that otherwise I wouldn't have much to talk about when I call on Sundays. Well, that and snow, but snow is only in the winter and cats are year-round. At least Sundance and Cassidy are.
But even with them there is not much to tell these days. With warmer weather, now they go outside more and perch on the deck railing to scan the yard for prey. Sundance is a little curious about the fountain, now that it is installed out there, but Cassidy has chosen to ignore it. Only when it begins to attract birds is she likely to show any interest.
The main difference between the two cats -- other than the obvious fact that Cassidy is heavy and Sundance is comparatively slender -- can be seen by what they are doing right now: Sundance is asleep in the middle of my bed. Cassidy is lying stretched out in the shade of the table on the deck, sprawled out like a pig in a wallow but with her eyes fixed on the birds at the feeder.
Sundance has always been pretty affectionate, but Cassidy was more stand-offish. Lately, for reasons known to Cassidy and Bastet alone -- Bastet being the ancient Egyptian cat-goddess -- she has started showing signs of becoming a lap cat. She doesn't crawl right up on you as much as Sundance, but she likes to get up on the couch and lie against your leg or partially on it and be petted. She is more likely to do this to Tom than to me, but then she is his cat after all.
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