Thursday, April 21, 2016


Anonymous said...

A weed or a crop?

Michael Dodd said...

Bluebonnets, the state flower of Texas. Texans celebrate the anniversary of the Battle of San Jacinto today, when Sam Houston defeated Santa Ana, winning Texas it's independence from Mexico.

Michael Dodd said...

PS -- Bluebonnets are wildflowers that cover the hillsides in many part of Texas at this time of year. They are quite hardy and the seeds are so tough that it can be hard to cultivate them in a garden. Although they will tolerate the Wisconsin climate, Tom and I were unsuccessful in getting any to grow at the house in the Dells despite using seeds sold for the purpose.

Anonymous said...

"winning Texas it's independence from Mexico." And you claim to be educated and an author.

IT'S = it is

ITS = of it

It's (it is) so simple and so obvious.

W. F.

Michael Dodd said...

W.F. --
So true! One of my most habitual errors and one that spell check does not necessarily flag. In the bad old days before spell check, I habitually typed "chruch" for "church." I won't get too Freudian and wonder if I was conflating church and crutch. And I mess up Thanksgiving. I type "Thanskgiving" the first time, every time.

Anonymous said...

I'm pleased something so pretty is a wild flower. In parts of rural Australia there's a weed with similar coloured flowers that makes cattle and horses sick - Patterson's Curse.

Chruch... lol