Saturday, September 1, 2007

Head Blade

Michelangelo, as I mentioned, teaches at a Catholic boy's school in Chicago, and last spring they did a fundraiser for cancer research. Participants agreed to shave their heads and they signed up sponsors. Tom and I both donated in Michelangelo's name, and the website for the project (click here to read more about the overall organization) posted before and after pictures to prove he had gone through with it.

Before (Okay, so you can't tell much from this picture... except that he's a bit strange.)


Since this was some months ago, I assumed he had let his hair grow back but he showed up still bald. In order to maintain this sleek look, he shaves his head, naturally with a Head Blade (The sport model pictured is the one he uses). You just hook your fingers into it and zoom-zoom over your scalp.

While that little blade thing is cute, Michelangelo also arrived in his real car with a broken headlight, a taillight and brake lights that were not working. Even as I write, he and Tom are over at Wal-Mart looking for whatever they can find to fix the brake and taillights. The headlight needs a replacement bulb at the very least for a temporary fix and the entire headlight needs to be replaced. It remains to be seen what this does to our Cow Chip Throw plans...

Details at eleven.

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