Sunday, September 30, 2007


We assume that the cooler weather hinting at coming winter has put the cats into Mighty Huntress mode. Cassidy sits on the deck staring intently at the birds at the feeder, and she stalks the longer grass along the side of the road, pouncing on something invisible to the human eye from time to time.

Besides mice and the bird, we have now been treated again to snake gifts. Sundance brought in a little brown garter snake -- maybe eight to nine inches max -- right after dinner tonight. Tom saw it and indicated that it was my duty to do something about it. Sundance had dropped it on the dining area carpet, but then took it over to the living area to see how it would unfold. I scooped it up and took it out to the deck. Dancer began crying, so I scooped her up and took her to the deck to continue her investigation of the serpentine mysteries, but she ignored the snake and ran back into the house to complain. I explained to her that we did not want snakes inside, but I don't delude myself into thinking I convinced her.

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