Saturday, December 27, 2008

Naughty and ice (and mice)

The weather, that is.

Right now (6:45 a.m.) it is 47 degrees out with a light rain. The warmer temperatures, the fog and rain have pretty much cleared the snow off the deck and are making inroads elsewhere. When Tom stepped out this morning with Buddy the Dog, he was delighted to see that the drive was clear of snow. But when he stepped up to the edge, he saw it was clear ice.

Temperatures are supposed to drop through the day, getting below freezing again by nightfall. Meanwhile rain, rain and more rain.

To be followed perhaps by a wintry mix (a polite term for horrible and treacherous mess) and maybe another one to three inches of snow overnight to cover up the icy patches on the road and make it even more exciting to drive.

We had planned to go into Madison to catch a sale at Half-Price Books and so that I could use the Barnes & Noble card Ted and Cynthia gave me (thanks again!), but it looks like that may not happen.

Although, to be honest, since it is 47 degrees, I am surprised Dave hasn't called from the R&GN Railway to see if we can come help run some trains ...

Meanwhile, Sundance brought in a big fat mouse and released it to run about the kitchen a bit. Tom did all he could to help her corner it, but she seemed more confused than grateful. We have developed an effective two-man mouse trapping operation for occasions when the cats fail to do their duty, and we put that into play and got rid of the critter that way.

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