So it looks like the season is really over. I think this happened last year, too, so probably we should just assume that the weekend after Thanksgiving is going to be it for the year. But I am not management, so that is up to other folks. They do plan to open the store, but Roberta is supposed to cover it. Without tickets to sell, she probably won't need me. So for now I do not plan to go in unless I get an emergency call, despite earlier posts to the contrary
Weather permitting, Tom and I may go to Madison on Saturday, but then again, Christmas shopping is pretty much done for this year and there is no pressure to go down there. We are supposed to get a little snow tonight and during the morning tomorrow, so we will play that by ear.
Sunday we will join friends for dinner and a performance of Nuncrackers. (Yes, nun, not nut.)
Updates as developments warrant!
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