Monday, October 27, 2014

Fudge and things

Yesterday afternoon, our neighbor and his kids came over. One of the girls had not seen the house before, so we gave the grand tour. At the end of it, I asked if they had enjoyed the candy I had shared with them. My nephew's wife had given me a large box of homemade turtles -- luscious, smooth, creamy! -- to bring back to Tom. When I got here, the neighbor and his son were finishing up their work in the basement, and I gave them a few turtles to take home. The twelve-year-old boy asserted that his dad had eaten almost all of them, but the others claimed that he had misspoken.

At any rate, I promised I would make them some fudge soon. They do not do the Halloween thing, but last year I made them fudge for several holidays and the twelve-year-old let me know that he liked it. That time he blamed his mother, claiming she said I made the best fudge ever.

When I told them I had just bought the stuff to make fudge, he told me that my mint fudge was very good and that no one likes nuts. His father pointed out that the adults like fudge with nuts but the kids are not fans. So I guess I get to make two batches ...

Fortunately my fudge recipe is totally easy and pretty good, although it cannot compare with Angie's turtles!


Moving with Mitchell said...

Fudge is my favorite food group! Should I send you my address?

Michael Dodd said...

You can send me your address, but I doubt my fudge would survive a transatlantic trip in edible condition. Perhaps next time you are in the States, let me know where I can send you an assortment. I do plain, mint, walnuts, walnuts and dried cranberries, rocky road ...
Or I can give you the recipe I use. The basic recipe requires only a bag of chocolate chips (your choice or dark, milk, etc) and a can of sweetened condensed milk and a microwave. Details upon request.

Moving with Mitchell said...

You are very kind, Michael, to offer to ship fudge to me in the States (I'll be there next week!!!). But that's absolutely not necessary. I get plenty of fudge. It may not be as good as yours, but it'll do in a pinch.

However, offering me the recipe is downright cruel! What am I supposed to do with THAT? COOK???

Michael Dodd said...

Oops! Sorry about that! My fudge recipe hardly counts as cooking for most people, but I realize you have other gifts. Hope you enjoy your visit to the States. Wish I could get in a visit to Spain someday!