Today Tom and I went to the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art to view three new exhibits. They were all good, but I was particularly interested in the photographs by Alec Soth. Though mostly portraits, they included a set of photos of a bunch of old Texas movie theaters that had been abandoned or were now being used for something else. Among them was this one from Tyler, near where my mother lives. I often went to movies with cousins in Tyler when I was growing up, although I have no specific memory of this place. Nonetheless, I was amazed to see a picture of something in Tyler, having driven through Tyler several times in the past two weeks.
I love those old theaters. We actually had a friend from Tyler, Texas. I've never been there (and don't expect I ever will be).
Tyler is quite a lovely place, should circumstances ever bring you there. A third of all roses sold in the United States are grown or processed in the area, and they have the world's (?) largest municipal rose gardens. Early October is a great time to be there, the weather being pleasant and the Rose Festival in full bloom.
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