Spoiler alert: dream story [Plus update]
I woke late this morning (almost 7:00 a.m.) to 52 degrees (11.1 C) after a dream-filled night. Actually when I was asleep, I had lots of dreams, but I woke up about 2:00 and didn't get back to sleep until after 4:00. I wasn't fretting about anything in particular or even in general, but I was awake. Hate when that happens! And today it meant I did not have time to go to the gym, do my workout and come home and shower in time to get to the library for my volunteer shift. So it will be a walking day.
The dream I was having when I finally woke up was weird. In the dream -- and I know surveys show that people are totally bored by hearing about other people's dreams, although we tend to find our own fascinating -- a woman I know here in the Dells had announced to a group of us that she had decided to run for the Republican nomination for the United States Senate. (In the real world, this is someone I have never heard express a single political opinion in the several years of knowing her, but then our relationship is pretty casual.) She was all excited and lay down on the floor to explain to us why she was doing it. She thought that the Republican Senate knew what was really going on and if she got into the Senate, they would tell her. She would finally be in on the secret. I was trying to find a way to tell her gently that this did not sound like the best idea in the world, but the dream ended with her discovering that I really thought she was crazy for even thinking about it.
In my waking state, such as it is, the only connection I can think of between this woman and the Republican Party is that she looks a lot like Sarah Palin. Maybe that's why I thought she was crazy.
Thus starts my day.
Cassidy, by the way, is definitely improving. She still has a slight limp, but she is noticeably better and whatever the problem is/was, it certainly is not keeping her from hopping up on beds. Tom thinks she may have caught her foot in the cat door and bruised it. His own rib injury is better but still aching.
Now off to get in a brief walk before heading to the library.
UPDATE: I just returned from my walk to discover that more copies of Elijah and Gratian have sold on Amazon. Nice! Now if only some of the WhoVille books would sell ...
I need to get the next installment of Whoville come Payday. :)
Feel free to ignore my shameless hawking of the books. I am still stumbling along with the third WhoVille volume. With so many other things on my mind and plate at the moment, I may wind up having to wait until NaNoWriMo to complete it -- which is really cheating as far as NaNoWriMo is concerned, but that will get me focused.
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