Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dial M for ...

If you look at this tabby cat's forehead, you see markings that look a bit like an "M". According to a legend I just ran across today, tabby cats all have this marking because there was a tabby cat present in the stable when Jesus was born. The baby was crying and no one could calm him until the tabby cat hopped into the manger, curled up beside him and began to purr. Mary petted the cat on the forehead, and all its descendants bear her initial in memory of that night.

This legend reminds me of a time when Daddy worked at the prison in Huntsville. Ted called the prison one day and when they asked who he wanted, he said the man who had an"M" on his forehead -- more a hairline than a sacred marking in Daddy's case.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Hahaha @ Daddy's comment. Must go check the cat's foreheads now...I think they are tabbys!