Thursday, February 14, 2008


Mama couldn't remember what she was going to comment about my post on taxes. I found a site that calculates how much of a rebate to expect back, though. The Tax Rebate Calculator is one of the tools over on (Note that I put the link in green for money.)

Anyway, according to the calculator -- and assuming I correctly answered the questions -- I can expect $600 come May.

Normally that would go directly into my Money Market to earn interest, but I know President Bush wants me to run and out and spend it to stimulate the economy. This time I may have to spend it because of cash flow problems.

Wow! I never thought I would even know what cash flow problems meant, much less have them.

Now if you will excuse me, I need to go spend a few minutes in the panic room.
The Don't Panic image is a pop culture reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

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