Friday, February 22, 2008

Freaky Friday, Part Two

My library story is this: An elderly lady, apparently known to the librarians, came in to return some books. She had been snowed in for the past week at her home. The county had plowed the roads, but access to her house is by way of a mile of road on private property, and she has to have it plowed for her. It costs $300 each time to get it plowed out. She is about to go crazy with all the expense, as you can well imagine. She is threatening to visit her brother in Illinois to get away from it all. Only someone from Wisconsin would think going to Illinois is heading south to avoid winter!

Freaky Cassidy: A little earlier, I heard what sounded like a jar full of marbles being overturned in the living room. I rushed out to see what the cats had done now and there was Cassidy, flying around the room with the sticky trap stapled to the cardboard strip (see earlier post about House Mouse) caught on her hind leg. She had gone back into the corner, I assume, trying to find the mouse and got her own foot stuck in the goo. Cats HATE anything sticky, and when she ran away, the noise of the cardboard flapping on the floor frightened her even more. Tom and I tried to grab her as she ran by, and eventually cornered her in the basement. Tom held her -- squirming, angry and afraid (Cassidy mainly, but Tom a little bit maybe)-- while I used mineral oil and alcohol (if you think cats hate sticky, you should see how they feel about rubbing alcohol!) and paper towels to clean her paw up. She went into hiding under my bed for about an hour, but she has come out and reclaimed her half of the sofa.

Poor baby!

The mouse, incidentally, remains at large.

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