Saturday, February 2, 2008


When Wisconsin has delivered too many sub-zero days and too many inches of snow to make it possible for Sundance and Cassidy to go outside to do their business, to sharpen their claws on the deck railing and generally burn off some energy prowling, they go stir crazy. They turn into middle-aged somewhat pudgy incarnations of the late-1980's animated Thundercats.
I call them this not because of their lightning speed and agility but because of the incredible amount of noise they make rushing around the house and up and down the stairs to the basement. Cassidy even makes noise trotting across the carpet in my bedroom!
Cassidy becomes the Mistress of Mayhem, Sundance is the Terror of Tiny Toys. Together the Furious Feline Fighters for Freedom tear around the floor, slipping and sliding as their claws -- grown a bit too long without the natural wear and tear of outside -- click and clack in a futile effort to get a grip on the laminate. Sundance slides into the side of the bookcase, and Cassidy trips into the chair under which the elusive fuzzy blue ball has hidden.

Kinda entertaining, actually. Especially when they pick themselves up and try to look disdainful at mere humans who don't realize that what may have looked like clumsiness was exactly what they had in mind all along.

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