Friday, June 20, 2008

Go, Daddy! And Mama!

My parents have always been among the most generous people I know. They set an example I regret I have not been able to match, but it does challenge me to do better.

Cynthia, my lovely sister-in-law (for those few readers who are not Dodds and don't already know this), sent me this story from the Tri-County Leader, and I proudly share it with you.

Volunteer drivers continue to roll despite gas prices

Meals on Wheels driver Byron Dodd says it will take more than high gas prices to keep him from his route.
As gas prices rise with the summer heat, the volunteers at Meals on Wheels in Whitehouse remain driven to help feed those in need.

"I've never had a volunteer say they couldn't drive their route because of the cost of gas," Super visor Carol Arnold said. "I've always had the same volunteers. I guess it shows I work with very loyal people."

Skyrocketing gas costs aren't the only obstacle this summer. As volunteers plan trips and vacations, the others take on more drop-offs.

"Everyone here is always so willing to help out more," Arnold said. "They'll do more so others can take a break."

One of Arnold's most dedicated volunteers, Byron Dodd, ensures all drivers arrive for drop-offs each morning.

"He refuses to leave until everyone shows up," Arnold said. "He's a great volunteer and a joy to have around."

Having worked at Meals on Wheels for six years, 86-yearold Dodd said he never once considered quitting.

"He's sick so he said Meals on Wheels saved his life," wife Roxie Dodd said. "It got him out of the house and involved."

For Dodd, it's a labor of love that could never be triumphed by rising gas prices. Participating in Meals on Wheels is an act of goodwill that fills his soul.

"He loves the people, he loves the work," Roxie said. "He just loves it and couldn't live without it."


Cynthia Dodd said...

I love this article about Daddy Dodd and his dedication to Meals on Wheels. He and Mama Dodd are such an inspiration to us all.

Kristin said...

My mom forwarded this to me the other day. What a champ, right?! He's awesome and a true inspiration to everyone. I printed this and hung it on my fridge. (: