Thursday, May 21, 2009


The Elijah book is ready! It may not show up for a couple of days on, but you can order it online from CreateSpace right now if you are in a hurry. Click on that link and it will take you to the right page.

For those of you who do buy my books online, I get a much better royalty from CreateSpace than from Amazon. I realize, however, that it may be easier for you to go the Amazon route. For that matter, you can order them directly from me, but I don't have any myself yet. In fact, I think Kristin got her copies of the last book before I got my copies!

The book isn't perfect, and the green border of the cover on the proof copy is way dark. But I thought it probably would be something that we would go back and forth over for a month, and I did not want to be doing that. Starting tomorrow, the railroad shop will be open every day until after Labor Day, which means I will have little time to devote to writing projects.

Come next fall, though, I will try to get moving again!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I already ordered me a copy & plan on reading it stat as I've finished all the others!