Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I had a disappointment today. That happens, it hurts, life goes on. I have disappointed others in the past and hurt them too. That happens, I'm sorry, life goes on.

And amazingly, life is filled with delightful happenings and wonderful people as well as disappointments and hurts.

Clouds passing over.


Sunny said...

I hate when that happens....but I truly believe that without a little rain(or pain) we wouldnt know how good it is when we get sunshine...or joy.

Hope things will get bettter for you soon, Michael- and TY and Tom and Cassidy and Sundance for the Birthday wishes.....it's been a very......interesting day.

Michael Dodd said...

Just ego, that's all. Otherwise things are fine. Had a nice lunch visit with a former library colleague today, got some bills paid, gassed up the car and bought peppermint oil to keep the mice away. So some good along with the other.

Moving with Mitchell said...

Very wise. Sorry you had a disappointment. Glad the clouds are passing so quickly.

Ur-spo said...

sad news, indeed.