Saturday, February 1, 2014

Up for some early Halloween shopping?

Designers Hilden & Diaz have created a fixture that can transport you to a dark forest with the flick of a light switch. When you turn on this chandelier, you're suddenly engulfed in a tangle of tree-shaped shadows.

The designers say that this light sculpture, titled Forms in Nature, was inspired in form by the drawings of naturalist Ernst Haeckel. But the chaotic beauty of the chandelier is overshadowed by its effect on the room around it. Forms in Nature isn't available for sale yet, but it is currently in production.
Wonder what the price will be on this one? At any rate, looks perfect for the haunted house ...

1 comment:

Ur-spo said...

As All Hallow's eve is still my favorite holiday, I am all for it becoming like christmas viz. months in coming.