Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tales of the Archdroid, or These are Not the Druids You're Looking For

This morning I was talking to a friend who had recently finished reading my John of the Cross mystery. I told her I am working on another novel, and she asked what it was about. I told her a little bit and that it involved a Wiccan sorority at an odd college. I thought I might have to explain Wiccans, but she nodded that she understood. Then I said I was in the process of working Druids into it as well.

She looked puzzled.

"Droids? Like R2 D2?"

Ah, the joys of English and my careless pronunciation.

But it did give me a thought for the story ...


Sunny said...

That made me giggle....a LOT. Druids...droids.....bahahahaha....

Michael Dodd said...

I'm glad you liked it. Tom didn't even get it. He's a brilliant lawyer but pretty much pop-culturally illiterate. I don't know how a guy who raised three teenaged boys in the heyday of Star Wars AND who knew Harrison Ford from college, could not know who R2 D2 is.

Sunny said...

Omgosh.............neither do I!!!!
Not is cup of tea, I suppose........different strokes for different folks!!