Saturday, July 19, 2014

By the numbers

According to Blogger, I have posted (including this post) 2,282 times on this blog. The blog has been viewed a bit over 90,000 times. Which averages out to almost 40 views per post.

I am surprised!

Most viewers (40%) are from the United States -- no surprise there -- but the second most represented nation is Russia with 16%. Now that is weird.

Then Turkey, China, Germany, Ukraine, France, Great Britain, Canada and Taiwan.

Now if only I could get more of these folks to buy my books!

Given the nature of this blog -- not particularly issue-oriented, mostly just reports on my day and rambling thoughts for the sake of family and friends -- the numbers seem high. On the other hand, people with important blogs get something like a million hits a day.

Which kind of puts 40 a day in perspective, huh?

1 comment:

Ur-spo said...

I think it's marvelous.