Sunday, July 27, 2014

Hummingbird moth

Yesterday when we got back from the circus parade, I noticed a Hummingbird Moth (also called the Hummingbird Hawk Moth) hovering around the Gay Feathers growing by the front sidewalk. Tom had already gone inside, but the moth was still there when I called him out to see it.

By the way, a regular hummingbird has been paying regular visits to the Trumpet Vine on the deck, sometimes hovering near the door into the house to see if there is anything here worth trying, I guess. Some summers I have seen as many as four hummingbirds at one time, but this year I have seen only one at a time. Maybe the same one, but I hope not. There should be at least a nesting pair. But I have witnessed no noisy battles over territory, which has been common in the past.

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