Monday, August 20, 2007

Circuit City

Well, my Circuit City saga continues... but I don't want to bore you with the details. If I wait until I see you, the story will have grown into something much more interesting, I'm sure. I think I told them that you are all boycotting them, by the way. So if you do buy something there, use an alias.

The local near-flooding continues. There were a lot of leaks around windows at the office. Not in the area where I work, but Joe's office window leaked and soaked a lot of law books. It wasn't a roof problem so much as a gutter one. And naturally it happened on the weekend and wasn't discovered right away. And he had to leave town today to help move his granddaughter into college. But the roofers came and did a temporary patch that should hold it for a while. They are supposed to be back tomorrow -- but if it is raining again (as predicted) they won't be able to do anything.

So life goes on... pretty dull, huh?

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