Among the people I have met through Joe Screnock is artist Sevki Kuzay, who was born in Soviet Georgia in 1949. According to his website, his passion for art began in his early childhood. He was constantly drawing, and always carried his drawing supplies with him. He would sit down outside and draw remarkably beautiful nature scenes before he had ever attended any school. By the age of 9, Sevki was drawing professionally accurate portraits of himself and his family members.
Upon entering grade school, Sevki advanced very quickly. He completed all his basic schooling 4 years ahead of schedule, graduating with perfect grades in all subjects. He then went on to attend a private art academy run by Robert College in Istanbul. Due to the corrupt state of the art world in Istanbul at the time, one of Sevki’s instructors suggested that he attend a German academy, where his talent would be better developed and embraced. After two years in Istanbul, Sevki took the advice and was immediately admitted to the Düsseldorf Art Academy. There he perfected his skills and wowed his instructors into jealousy in 1968-69.
Sevki then moved to the United States and lived in the Chicago area before moving to Cazenovia, Wisconsin a few years ago to be near his teenage son, who lives with his mother following a divorce. He has been making a living as an artist for his entire lifetime. His artwork is displayed in more than 17 nations in Europe, North America, South America, and Asia. He has sold well over 3,000 oil-on-canvas paintings, and hundreds of copper works and collages.
For the past year a lot of Sevki's art has hung in our office and some of his intriguing engraved copper sculptures as well. Among the items was a portrait he had done from life of Willie Nelson. Joe was hoping that some of the clients might be interested in buying, but most of the pieces are well over a thousand dollars, not really in the range of people going through the financial crisis precipitated by a divorce.
If you want to see Sevki's website, click here.
Recently Sevki was asked to bring as many pieces as he could to Turkey for a showing, so he came and gathered everything up. Joe talked him into giving him the painting above (this does not doe justice to the colors) which is 44 inches wide by 30 inches tall. Sevki also gave Evelyn a more traditional representational painting of birds -- also good sized. quite simple and lovely. Joe knew that I like Sevki's work but had said I could not afford it. So he asked if I could have one of the copper sculptures. Joe implied that no money changed hands, but I suspect he did buy it for me.
I don't have a picture of my sculpture, but it is titled simply Lizard, and looks like a green Gila monster to me, about two feet long. It is cool. So far the cats have ignored it.
The price on it was $250.00. Who knows, someday it may be worth much more.
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