Sunday, December 20, 2015

Moving is work!

This is both of us today. So much progress, so much done, so much ... tiredness ...

Yesterday was very hard on the cats. They have been stressed for weeks by all the boxes and bins that keep appearing and cluttering up their space, but yesterday the couch and chairs that they sit on got moved. And that's just wrong! I told them about the beautiful perch that I put together for them so that they can relax and enjoy the view at their new apartment, but they were not convinced.

As the vet says, cats like change as long as everything stays the same. (I think that may be the meaning of a bumper sticker I saw the other day: "My cat is a Republican.")


Bob said...

The cats will adjust; ours have every time we've moved. They just need food, a lap and a warm bed.

Moving with Mitchell said...

I love moving. But, you're so right about the cats. Hope they get over it quickly.