Sunday, July 1, 2007

Something there is that doesn't love a wall ... Robert Frost

If nature abhors a vacuum, cats abhor a closed door. They have to be on the other side of it. It's not that they want what's on the other side of it; they just can't stand the idea of not being able to go there. I think the perfect cat toy would be a large fake door in a door frame, made of Styrofoam or some light material, that a cat could push open and walk through and then turn around and walk back through at will all day long.

One of the few doors inside the house that stays shut is my closet door. This is partly to keep the cats out, admittedly, because I don't want one of them to decide it is too much trouble to find the litter box and start using the corners of my closet as a convenience stop. But it drives Cassidy in particular crazy. Whenever she is around and I open the door, she has to go in. Periodically, like this evening, when she has nothing else to do, she will start picking at the closet door to get inside. Since we have been having a bit of a mouse situation, I thought I'd let her check it out in case she actually had detected activity.

There was a certain amount of banging and rustling around, and when I went to check on her, she had hopped up on the shelf and was sitting on top of the box that holds my pjs and stuff, kneading away at it, making herself a nest. I left the door ajar and went away. She got bored fairly quickly -- or she doesn't like the smell of the cedar deodorizers -- and came back out into the living room.

As usual she gave me a look that said, "It's all your fault. Sniff!"

1 comment:

shera10 said...

I found your blog by myself! I'm very astute:)
BTW I have a beautiful cat too.
Ciao Cristina