Tuesday, February 24, 2009

All politics is local

This story is sadly true.

A Baraboo City Council member, who is running for Mayor in the April election, has admitted that four or five times since the first of the year he has been shoplifting cigars from a local business and selling them to friends and family in order to raise money to buy gas.

It's just a misdemeanor, so there is no provision in the law for removing him from office. And he intends to continue his run for mayor.

I'm not sure that's the kind of creative fund raising we are really looking for in our government leaders.

But hey! He's not planning to raise taxes.


Kristin said...

Did he just confess that out of no where? Good for him on the honesty but wow at the crime. So bizarre.

Michael Dodd said...

He did not just confess. The store realized things were disappearing and installed a camera. So they caught him on film four or five times -- and who knows how often he had already done it before they began filming.