Sunday, January 18, 2009

More on the fur hats

Tom posted this photo of some of the animal skin hats that I mentioned on yesterday's post. That top row is what I was talking about -- complete heads (no skulls) on the front of the hat with much or most of the body forming the rest of the hat, wrapping around the head and the tail hanging well down the back. Someone wearing one looks like they are getting ready to join in a hunting dance for one of the local tribes.

The one on the far right in that row is the one Tom wanted.

Well, the show is not over until today. Maybe he'll sneak back over just before it closes to see if he can get a better deal. If he does, I can hardly wait to see the cats' reaction when he comes home wearing it.


Kristin said...

Please please please do not buy fur. ): That is one of my MAIN stances in regards to animal cruelty. I am so the psycho person throwing flour on the old hags on Fifth Ave draped in dead animal carcass. I yell at people like a radical when I see anyone wearing fur.

I also yell into stores as I walk past if I see that they carry fur. I boycott stores and brands that use fur in their clothes.

Example: bebe.

Just so you know, animals that are killed for their fur are kept in cages 24/7 and fed nothing but fats so they have lots of excess skin and fur come time to slaughter.

They are anally (sp) electrocuted and then skinned while they are still conscious. Most of them finally die in a pile of other dead animals still alive yet skinned completely.

Its an outrageous industry.

I don't have issues with leather, seeing as they are killed more humanely. Its the style in which these animals wanted for fur are murdered.


Michael Dodd said...

You don't have to worry about Tom buying a fur hat, Kristin, but it is my understanding from the folks at this booth that all their furs are taken from animals that were shot by hunters.

Vincent said...

Michael, I will step in at this point and just put my arm around the back of Kristin and pull her through this conversation.
Love to all!!