My friend Barry and I went out for a cup of coffee this afternoon. He and his wife Carole will be heading to the their Florida condo for the next few months. Originally a school counselor from Chicago, he moved up to Christmas Mountain after he retired. Carole just turned 65 herself. They both like to golf, and Christmas Mountain is a golfing resort. I think the proximity of the Ho-Chunk Casino is another selling point for them.
Barry and I usually get together for coffee once a week to discuss life in the Dells after Chicago. He has a wry sense of humor, and I will miss him until he gets back in April. He has expressed some interest in the R&GN Railway, and I am hoping to get him involved in that, too.
When I got back to the house, Helen and Jay were here, dropping off Christmas gifts for me and Tom from the kids and picking up Buddy the Dog. Tom and I each got a couple of books, Buddy got to go back home and the cats got to have their food dish put back where it belongs.
It was a win-win-win situation.
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