Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wednesday work

Little flurries to start the morning, but they should disappear and leave nothing behind. I am heading over to the railroad to do a little more preparation for our opening weekend, and then I will probably go to the library and do some writing. Now that the Gratian book is out, I need to move forward on the Elijah one.

Marc Foley, who is a very funny guy, told me he is waiting for my book on St. Therese and Godzilla. (That is the statue you don't like, Kristin. Do you have any suggestions?)

He is, I assume, referring to this famous cartoon: Bambi Meets Godzilla.

SPOILER ALERT! Tom says this is sick.


Kristin said...

Yes, you should write about her in the form of a statue who brutally terrorizes a little girl her entire life up into adulthood. :P

I bought your latest book! I picked up a copy for me and Vince and then I picked up an extra for Tara since I know money is tight for her right now.

As soon as we all get done with the first, we'll move on to the second! MICHAEL DODD BOOK CLUB!

I sat down last Sunday and spent a majority of the afternoon reading it and hoped to finish but did not. I'll probably have it done this weekend. We shall see.

And then I'm putting up a review on Amazon for you. And so it Tara! And so will Vince!

Michael Dodd said...

Just make sure you say something nice!