Wednesday, August 27, 2014

And following up on yesterday ...

I saw this on another blog and had to share it. It doesn't mean that I have decided overnight to toss my novel.

Well, not yet. 

Snoopy has a point -- not every story has to be told. Or published. I have read enough that were published unnecessarily!

Which reminds me of a snarky remark someone once made about the late Fr. Andrew Greeley -- influential Catholic priest, sociologist, columnist, novelist, essayist and so on: "He never had an unpublished thought."

Greeley died last year at the age of 85. He had published 70 novels in addition to his serious work in sociology. Asked to explain his prolific output, Greeley said: "I suppose I have an Irish weakness for words gone wild. Besides, if you're celibate, you have to do something."

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