Sunday, August 24, 2014

Happy birthday, Discalced Carmelites!

On August 24, 1562, Teresa de Ahumada and four women began to follow a new way of life within the ancient Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel at this monastery in Avila, Spain. That nice facade is a later addition. The building had been a private residence and had been secretly converted into a religious house because of opposition to the nuns' project. Teresa herself was only able to stay a few hours before being forced to return to her home monastery for a while.

San Jose was the first of many monasteries for men and women founded during Teresa's lifetime. She died in 1582 and was beatified 500 years ago as Teresa of Avila, canonized in 1622 and became the first woman recognized as a Doctor of the Church in 1970.

Today there thousands of cloistered nuns, friars, communities of apostolic sisters and brothers and laity (called Secular Order members) who follow her spirit in lives of prayer and service.

When Teresa died, the following lines were found in her breviary, the prayer book she used daily. Whether she composed them or not is unknown -- she was a prolific writer -- and they have become famous as St. Teresa's Bookmark.

Click on image to enlarge for easier reading.

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