Sunday, August 24, 2014

Further reflection on fault and remedy

I notice that I get into trouble with fault-finding when I am not looking at what is wrong about a situation so much as who is wrong.

And who is wrong -- if indeed any who is totally wrong -- still doesn't remedy the situation.

Also I need to know what is wrong, or I may solve the wrong problem.

Click on image to enlarge.

I remember a Sunday comic strip years ago where a little boy is crying and his big brother runs into the room. Seeing a shattered toy on the floor, the big brother swoops in and says, "Don't cry! I'll fix it."

He runs out of the room and there is a flurry of nailing and gluing and taping. He runs back in and hands the results to his brother who is still sniffling.

"There!" he announces proudly. "I fixed your airplane."

The little brother looks it over and says, "But I broke a firetruck."

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