Monday, April 27, 2015

Happy health care!

About a year and a half ago, the doctor we had been seeing quite happily since moving to the Dells in 2006 decided to move on to a special field of interest. We were able to switch to another doctor in the same clinic and have been pleased with her care.

My annual physical was April 29 of last year, and this morning I called to make an appointment for a checkup. My prescriptions don't run out until early June, and my hope was to see her the last week of May. She warned me when I last saw her that the health care provider that runs the clinic was pressuring the doctors to cut the time spent with a patient from half an hour to twenty minutes in order to see more of them. You can interpret that as showing their concern that as many people as possible get to see a doctor sooner or as an effort to increase income. Whatever. She told me to be sure to let the receptionist know that I was coming for a checkup so that they would give me a longer appointment. Duly noted and done.

The receptionist informed me that my doctor's available checkup appointments were already scheduled into the middle of July, but that I could see another doctor sooner if necessary. I explained that this was just a regular checkup and July would be okay, but my prescriptions would run out before that. She assured me that they could call in refills "according to protocol" until they were able to get me in to see my doctor. So that is the arrangement.

As far as I can see, this inconvenience is not due in any way to the Affordable Care Act except perhaps because more people now have insurance and can afford to get the care they need. In which case, my inconvenience -- it is no more than that -- is the price I pay for the better health of my community at large. Totally worth it.

But I did tell Tom, who usually gets his physical in August, that he had better call now if he wants to get an appointment when he wants it. Next year, I am advised by the clinic, I need to schedule my checkup appointment at least three or four months out.

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