Wednesday, April 1, 2015

More April fools

Now that I am back perusing the blogsophere, I see a lot of agitation over the right-to-discriminate legislation that has been passed in Indiana and is under consideration in other states. 

I have one comment and one suggestion and then plan to drop the topic.

Comment: To all those businesspeople who do not want my money or the money of my friends: Thank  you for alerting me. I promise not to spend a penny in your store or your state. 

Suggestion: Since such legislation essentially renders all business owners and employees theologians capable of interpreting the scriptures and discerning deeply held beliefs, that means we are all such theologians. If you are the sort of person who finds it helpful to write to people in government or business to express you opposition to this kind of thing, I strongly suggest that, as a theologian recognized by the state, you always sign your letters using the title of Reverend. The most formal version, of course, being The Reverend John Johnson, or whatever your name may be. I am actually entitled to the use of The Very Reverend Michael Dodd, and I have found that signing letters and petitions with this title usually gets me a prompt, if not always friendly, response. Identify yourself as Reverend. It gets their attention, trust me. And don't worry that you are using a title under false pretense. Most of those in this country who call themselves Reverend do so on their own recognizance, including many who rake in millions of dollars on television.

April Fool! (Or is it?)

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