Sunday, March 23, 2008

More prayers

I guess I have hit that time of life where many of my friends are in need of prayers for their health. Joe Crawford was a student with the Carmelites in Washington, DC back in 1977 when I first went there from Dallas. He was in the process of leaving and was gone by the end of that fall semester. During that short period of time, though, we became good friends. He was transitioning out of that community, I was transitioning in, and I guess it gave us something in common. I saw him occasionally over the years -- but very rarely as time went by -- the last time being when I was in Brighton in the mid-1990's.

He has been suffering from some insidious form of cancer for some time and recently had a bone marrow transplant which seems to be doing wonders for him. Still it is quite a long haul ahead of him. He has been bedridden so long that I think he is basically going to have to learn to walk all over again.

So I ask prayers for Joe and his loved ones at this time. He is one of the brightest and funniest people I ever met.

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