Sunday, March 30, 2008

Poor Baby!

Last night we saw that there is a cheese curd festival in Ellsworth, WI ("Cheese Curd Capital of Wisconsin") at the end of June. If you don't know what cheese curds are, welcome to the rest of the United States. (No, it is not cottage cheese.) As Wikipedia informs us,
Cheese curds are the fresh curds of cheddar cheese. Cheese curds are little-known in locations without cheese factories, because they should ideally be eaten within hours of manufacture. After twelve hours, even under refrigeration, they have lost much of their "fresh" characteristics, particularly the "squeak". This "squeak" has been described by the New York Times as sounding like "balloons trying to neck". After twenty-four hours, they will lose their freshness entirely.

Their flavor is mild with about the same firmness as cheese, but have a springy or rubbery texture. Fresh curds squeak against the teeth when bitten into, which some would say is their defining characteristic. Cheese curds are sometimes referred to as "Squeeky cheese."
Our friend Michelangelo is a big cheese curds fan. Whenever he comes to visit he has to rush out and get some and squeak his way through them. So I let him know about the festival and asked if he wanted to join us. Turns out he will be teaching a course on Greek drama -- in Greece, yet -- on an island, yet, in the Aegean -- at that time. Poor baby! He has to go to Greece on an all-expense paid trip and will make a couple thousand dollars for teaching a couple of hours each day for two weeks.

It that isn't bad enough, he spent Christmas break chaperoning a group of guys from St. Rita Catholic High School were he teaches -- where, you ask? Spain, I answer.

His life is so rough!

(I won't mention that he broke his foot falling on ice right before the Spain trip, but things worked out so that he was able to go and enjoy himself anyway. And I have no idea what that is perched on his head in the picture ... or why.)

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