Sunday, March 2, 2008

Soggy Sunday

Well, it has been an interesting day here in Lake Wobedelton. The temperatures surged into the upper 40s (51, according to the thermometer at the library in Reedsburg), leading to much melting of snow and icicles, dripping of rooflines and Tom's ongoing efforts to clear ice from the paths and platforms before it rains and snows and all freezes over again tonight.

Rich and Peggy, who have been having their floors redone, brought over a rug they are replacing and stayed long enough to have BLTs for lunch. I then took off for the Reedsburg Library (the only local branch with Sunday afternoon hours) and finished up my article for the Nigerian Carmelite student magazine. I emailed that off and checked out the 2008 Writer's Market: Where & How to Sell what you Write - 3,500 listings for book publishers, consumer magazines, trade journals, literary agents and more. Whew! Try saying that all in one breath!

Steve Payne told me I should submit my recently completed article on the names of God to Spiritual Life because one of the assistant editors told him they are running low on submissions. I may do that, but I do want to check out some other possibilities. Also I will look for some places to send some of my short stories.

Now it's off to Wal-Mart to pick up prescriptions and stuff. More, perhaps, anon.

PS -- Happy birthday, Sam Houston!

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