Monday, March 31, 2008

Thou shalt not snivel

1. To sniffle.
2. To complain or whine tearfully.
3. To run at the nose.

Our refrigerator door is covered with magnets. Some are funny like the picture of a shirtless old guy holding barbells that says "Growing Old Is Not for Sissies." There is a "Don't Mess with Texas" one, and a Kilbourn Public Library schedule and lots of pictures of Tom's grandchildren.

There is also the "Thou Shalt Not Snivel" message above. I have to be reminded of that from time to time. As I whine about not getting a job with better hours and better pay, I read the papers about how food stamp usage is at a record high. One of my friends volunteers at the local food pantry, and she says they are being swamped by people in need.

I am not now, nor am I ever likely to be, on food stamps or using a food pantry. I live in a comfortable home, have plenty of clothes and delightful (most of the time) human and feline companionship. I can buy the odd trinket for my room and Tom will get the odd fountain that I think is cool. The price of gasoline keeps climbing, but I have a car to put it in and can even afford the regular oil changes. Even though I lack health insurance, I can pay my medical bills out of my savings without a real pinch. I have no financial debts other than my monthly credit card bill which I am always able to pay off in its entirety.

So my nose may be runny, but I have no sniveling rights beyond that. I just need to go take an antihistamine and act like an adult.

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