So no deer sighting there. It did turn out to be a fairly busy day, though, for the railway, which is a good thing. I am enjoying it still. It is fun to talk to the parents while the kids run around playing with the wooden train set that is laid out for them or trying to convince their parents that they need the most incongruous things. There was a little Asian boy there today, probably five years old, trying to convince his father that he (the boy) definitely needed a red caboose key chain. His mother confided in me that they have so much train stuff that it is driving her crazy, but whenever they go anywhere, her husband gets on the internet and checks to see if there is anything train-related in the area. I'm sure his story is that it's for the kids, but I am more and more convinced that it is the fathers dragging their kids out there so the men can play with the toys.
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