Saturday, May 3, 2008

Somewhat soggy Saturday

The morning started off pretty cool and with a definite threat of rain. Tom and Helen joined some other people in the annual clean-up along the Wisconsin River and I went over to the railway. The threatened rain never amounted to much, although that combined with the chilly weather did mean we got pretty much no action this morning at the train. I sold two tickets right before I left at noon, but a few cars loaded with folks pulled in as I was pulling out. The skies began to clear in the afternoon, although it stayed cool, so maybe they got some business. Besides the two tickets, I had sold a coffee cup and Tom bought a couple of whistles and Helen got a postcard to send her mother. They have a clearance on pin-on buttons of a train with a flashing light -- normally $4.95, now going for $0.50 -- so I got one of those to add to my flashing button collection. (I now have three, so I am not sure that really constitutes much of a collection.)

I had a pretty quiet afternoon. Went to the bank to deposit a check, went by WalMart to pick up a prescription and a few odds and ends. Helen brought a book with her by a Harvard prof, James Kugel, called How to Read the Bible. It's one of the books she had been recording for the blind, and she found it interesting enough to get a copy for herself. It is a pretty hefty volume (over 800 pages with the notes and all), but I had read another of his books and have been reading what I can of this one while she is here. I am close to halfway through, but she has to go back to Minnesota tomorrow. I have added it to my request list at the library, as well as requesting yet a third book he wrote. He is an Orthodox Jew and an excellent writer. Apparently the course he teaches at Harvard, based on this book, is the most popular course at the university.

I think we are just going to watch a movie tonight. Last night we all went out to dinner with Debbie and a friend of hers. As a reward for helping with the clean-up, Tom and Helen got a nice lunch provided by one of the better local restaurants. As a result, they don't sound too concerned about dinner. I had a small piece of leftover fish for breakfast, a small bit of leftover Chinese for lunch along with a tablespoon of peanut butter. They may not want a real meal, but I likely will. We'll see.

Meanwhile, I keep checking my email to see if Vinko has sent me any more stuff, but nothing so far. He leaves Rome on Wednesday, so if he hopes for me to get anything back to him by Tuesday so he can give it to his director, he'd better hurry.

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