Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Totally tubular Tuesday

Well, Vinko sent me some more pages to edit, which gave me something to do. I did the initial corrections already and will email it to him tomorrow. He decided to stay in Rome a couple of extra days, so this will work fine.

Got up near 80 today. When I get dressed in the morning now, the question I ask myself is no longer what will be warm enough but what will be too warm by afternoon.

Tom discovered online that one thing that attracts wasps is -- ta-dah! -- the smell of natural wood. Hence the guys swarming around the deck. Maybe we can buy some cheap perfume and spray it all around. Of course, then we won't be able to stand sitting out there either.

I rearranged the flamingos a couple of days ago so that it looks like they are emerging from the woods in front of the house up onto the bank by the road. Peggy told Rich that they looked like they are coming after her. Debbie Kinder came by this morning and also said they look sort of ominous. Scary stuff, boys and girls!

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