I am happy to report that the cats are using their litter boxes (one in the laundry room and one in the garage), but they are clearly not pleased. Sorry, ladies! Those are going to be your facilities until April, most likely.
And don't forget -- I am the one who has to clean them! I have already scooped out four bags this morning.
On the other hand, I have little room for complaints. After clearing our drive, Tom went over to our neighbors to see what he can do to help Peggy. (Rich is out of town. Good timing, huh?) Tom talked to Rich by phone this morning and Rich thought his truck-cum-plow would be able to handle the drives, but Peggy and Tom looked it over and decided not to try. Tom shoveled her walks and the guy who did their lawns this summer will be over later with his equipment to clear the drive.
Should I go get the flamingos?
I haven't scooped cat litter in years. :-) That's what Vincent is for!
Well, I scoop the kitty litter but that is indoors and takes about thirty seconds. Tom scoops the snow, which is outside and takes hours. I think I came out ahead on that deal.
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