Saturday, November 16, 2013

Up to speed

I worked on the book this morning and this afternoon, with significant chunks of time out to vacuum, ride the exercycle, eat and nap. And to snack the cats, of course.

The word count now is 55,248. More important to me than the word count is the fact that I have reviewed, cleaned up and filled in the story for the first third of the first draft. That feels like I am keeping up to speed. Increasing the number of words is no longer my priority. Instead I am working to make sure that these are the words I want.

Seriously, don't the two guys in the photo look like Mormon missionaries? I say that kindly, having known some Mormon missionaries when I lived in Chicago. The monastery building where I lived had formerly belonged to the LDS, and they still owned some houses on our street. Some of these served as residences for young men doing their missionary service. When I worked downtown, a couple of them often got on the bus I was riding on the way home. One was particularly interested in whatever I was reading at the time, and we chatted a lot. He had been working in Chicago for a year or so, and he seemed pretty relaxed. His companion had just arrived and always looked a bit frightened, whether or me or the city, I wasn't sure.


Sunny said...

They do look like JWs. :-)

Word count's looking great!! You're at the fun part of the writing now- analyzing the plot to make sure the gaps are filled in. Of course, if you leave a few questions unanswered you can always write a sequel!!!!

Michael Dodd said...

Or I could just have everyone walk away and then the scene shifts and we see a pair of eyes peering out of a bush. The eyes disappear and a cloaked figure is running away.


Okay, maybe that will go better in the made-for-TV movie version.