Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It has been a craaaazy day, but I finished the story and the word count this afternoon at 4:29 p.m.: 52,536. 

One of my "friends" suggested that, since I have finished one novel in less than 15 days, I should buckle down and write another one between now and the end of the month. Thanks!

What I will do, though less maniacally than I put together this first draft is go back over what I have written, proof and correct the text, fill in the story-gaps and try to make it coherent. Then I will have to go back over it and edit for style. How much of that will get done in the remaining 18 days of November, I cannot predict. But with any luck, and if it feels right, I might have a book that I am willing to share by Christmas or New Year. This part is done, but it is not perfect.

For now, I am going to take a break for my brain.

Yay, me!

BTW: The last words of this draft -- Toad Suck, Arkansas.

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