Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pict-ure perfect

Today's count: 47,766. Tomorrow I will hit 50,000. I am trying to bring the story arc to a conclusion as well, and I think I will also be able to do that tomorrow. Then to re-read the mess and see what can be done with it.

The Picts have managed to sneak into the story, which ought not surprise me. The main Wiccan character is from Scotland. One lovely thing about the Picts, something they have in common with Wicca, is that the information about them is all so incomplete and contradictory. Makes them a great feature for fiction -- you can say pretty much anything you want. Not that the Picts as such play any role in the story. But my best writing is not in the story so much as in the asides, I think.

Not exactly Gainesborough's Blue Boy, are they? I note that some experts point out that although the Picts were often described as painting themselves blue and  covering themselves with tattoos, surviving monuments do not depict them with tribal markings. I ignore this in my book because I want to ignore it. And no, these guys are not in the book.

Nothing about Toad Suck today. Hope you aren't disappointed.

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