Thursday, May 14, 2015

Birdsong, bird-sighting, bird nest

I was sitting in the living room after lunch, and I heard what I was sure was the song of an oriole.

When Peggy was here yesterday afternoon,  we sat out on the deck in the sun for a short while and she heard an oriole, although we couldn't locate it. At any rate, now I knew what one sounded like.

Something had been eating the oranges I was putting out for them, but no oriole sightings so far.

Today when I turned around and looked onto the deck, there was a female diligently eating away at one of the orange halves. [This is a video  that I found online to give you an idea of the look and sound, although the one in the video is male. Click the arrow to watch the video and hear the very clear song.] 

 There was a male perched on a tree behind the female on our deck. I watched them for four or five minutes before she flew up into a tree back near the treeline. He took off after her. I made note of the tree and will keep an eye on it to see if they build one of their woven pouch nests.

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