Sunday, May 13, 2007


Today we finally got down to see the new Aldo Leopold Legacy Center (mentioned in this earlier post) and saw Homer's bronze. He and Tom had spent a long time discussing a problem he was having with the eyes due to the perspective forced by doing it as a bas relief. He wasn't totally successful in resolving it, but it is still a lovely piece.

The Center itself is still under construction and they only have one large display of photographs for viewing. It is an amazing complex of buildings and should be beautiful when completed. We will have to go back maybe in the fall to see how they have progressed.

Next I want to visit the International Crane Foundation's place nearby. They have fifteen species of cranes that they study and raise for release to the wild all over the world. The black crowned cranes in the photo are from Africa, where in some areas the population is down to a handful. Of interest to Texans, the Foundation was part of the effort that has brought the whooping crane back from near oblivion in 1942.

Last night while Tom was visiting a friend in Baraboo, I spent about an hour working on my boss's family newsletter. It goes out every couple of months, and is due to be sent on Tuesday. Since I am only there part of the day now, I wanted to get some work done when he wasn't around to give me other tasks. After fighting with formatting problems and getting almost everything that I had on hand done, the computer decided that it needed more work and deleted all the work I had just put in.


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