Thursday, November 6, 2014

Early start

After my long day Tuesday, I slept late yesterday. I stayed up a bit later than usual -- not much -- reading and listening to an audiobook, and slept well until I awoke at 3:44 this morning. Waking at that time is not all that unusual, but this was one of those times that was not followed by a quick transition back to slumber. Sundance heard me moving around and came to first peer out the bedroom window for a while and then leapt from the sill onto the bed and demanded some petting. She lay down for a while, then got up and left. 

My head was not racing, nor was it particularly focused on anything. I had not had a late cup of coffee. I did my usual going-to-sleep routines, which relaxed me and enabled me to rest, but actual sleep eluded me. When I checked my clock, it was 4:45. So I took my thyroid pill, which I have to take an hour before eating breakfast, pulled the covers back up and read and played with the tablet until I heard Tom moving around in the kitchen. It was after 5:30, and I surrendered to the inevitable end of the rest period and got up to feed the cats, make my own coffee and breakfast, check emails and do other regular morning routine.

The predicted rain-mixed-with-snow seems to have been just rain and it looks like it is ending early. The current forecast is for it to be cloudy with highs in the low 40s, though, and I plan to proceed with my plan to work on the novel. 

It is now 6:45 in the A. of M. Absurd!

1 comment:

Kirstin Dodd said...

Sounds like wonderful sleep weather. Although you woke early, I hope you are well rested for your day. :-)