Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Paperback book in hand ... but!

The paperback proof copy of Wicca in WhoVille arrived in the mail today. I already knew about one correction that I need to make on the interior copy, but it turns out that there is also a typo on the back cover. Tom and I both missed it when we looked at it on the computer screen. Fortunately, the back cover is not part of the Kindle versions which have already gone on the market.

It is a simple matter to make these corrections. Then the paperback will be available shortly.

Although the book is the same height and width as my other books, it is much thicker -- twice as thick as the John of the Cross mystery, for example. I don't feel as guilty about the price now, but I do hope the handful of folks who read it can make it through to the end.


Moving with Mitchell said...

Exciting... well, except for the unfortunate (and unimportant) typos. I can't wait to pick up the books on Kindle!

Sunny said...

Cant wait!!!w- is the cover some of Tom's artwork? it looks awfully similar to the canvas he was doing and took the mouth off of... LOVED that canvas!!